Post by Kobolos on Feb 7, 2004 8:44:39 GMT -5
One came to me on business, and he took two shapes before it was over:
Fred Dobbs from Treasure of the Sierra Madre
Rick Blaine from Casablanca.
I was expecting Sam Spade...he was good....
I also used to date a Boggart...she was very good at roleplay.
Post by embah on Feb 8, 2004 1:32:40 GMT -5
For me, a bogart would probably turn into a huge, gigantic, spider, with lots of legs.........yuck!
Post by Scam on Feb 12, 2004 19:10:28 GMT -5
for me, a boggart would probably turn into either a spider, or a clown. they both scare me to death!
Post by Jacques the Environmentalist on Feb 15, 2004 20:54:15 GMT -5
For me it would probably appear as a memory deleting machine with a special arm to force me inside and wipe my memory. Or maybe just lockhart with a sturdy wand and a good memory charm handy.
Post by ŘỠßëřŦ on Feb 16, 2004 11:43:34 GMT -5
For me.... The same as Tragedy... myself
Post by Addieor on Feb 16, 2004 13:55:04 GMT -5
Aah, now I know. I think perhaps snakes. Something like that. I have this horrible fear of a snake coming out of the shwer overhead. Freaky. My mum said that snakes don't like water and they can't live in it........but now I know the truth.
Post by Jacques the Environmentalist on Feb 16, 2004 15:32:34 GMT -5
Snakes? The incredibly deadly viper wasn't bad...
Post by Skalu on Mar 20, 2004 15:56:33 GMT -5
A SPIDER!!! It would HAVE to be a spider! I mean come on! They're scary and can kill!
Post by Zombie-chan on Mar 21, 2004 13:49:53 GMT -5
*fully agrees with Sunny's Pacifier* Too many legs...
Post by Jacques the Environmentalist on Mar 23, 2004 20:53:51 GMT -5
Yes, well u know what's a lot more scary than spiders? Dentists<shivers> I am being quite serious, it seems like they LIVE to torture my mouth and of course they act like it's all my fault.
Post by Scam on Mar 23, 2004 20:55:51 GMT -5
i remember what happened to you... your poor mouth. i'm not a big fan of dentists either...ortho is better.
Post by Jacques the Environmentalist on Mar 31, 2004 21:24:22 GMT -5
How do u remember lembas? U weren't even there!
Post by trish on Apr 3, 2004 0:22:48 GMT -5
I remember too Jacques, remember that picture thats eyes were moving? Yeah that was me, I admit it. Ho hum I am bored.
Post by LyndzDa6AWitch on May 16, 2004 3:34:46 GMT -5
To me? As a *red stuff that flows in your body*-drooling Pontianak, undoubtedly. A Pontianak is like a girl vampire, those who don't live in Singapore.
Post by songbird11989 on May 29, 2004 13:26:11 GMT -5
[glow=red,2,300]A boggart would either look like a worm, slug, snail or a giant rollercoaster[/glow]