Post by BSam on Sept 6, 2003 17:20:56 GMT -5
PotC= Pirates of the Caribbean in other words Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp getting it on.. which is just so wrong. Unless of course it involves a certain moderator you mean Klaus don't you?
Post by BSam on Sept 6, 2003 17:23:05 GMT -5
Hehehe. I was thinking about doing the chessboard theme and keeping in for about a week, just for variety. BUt I don't think people would like the idea. one forum i frequent has kind of theme week... last week it was cats, now it's rpg stats... i changed my name there to Char Name: Laz, Class: Private Eye...that kind of thing... i dunno...it sure seemed more relevaNT WHEN i started typing this,,,(don't like this keyboard...)
Post by Hermedy on Sept 6, 2003 19:31:41 GMT -5
one forum i frequent has kind of theme week... last week it was cats, now it's rpg stats... i changed my name there to Char Name: Laz, Class: Private Eye...that kind of thing... i dunno...it sure seemed more relevaNT WHEN i started typing this,,,(don't like this keyboard...) Oh, I see. That's interesting.
Post by Hermedy on Sept 7, 2003 4:36:30 GMT -5
Hahaha. No.
Post by BSam on Sept 7, 2003 5:51:58 GMT -5
Tragedy why wouldn't people like the chess idea? I'm all for it but only if I can be the Red Queen! Pleaaaase. well...if not red queen...how about scarlet lady?
Post by Hermedy on Sept 7, 2003 8:01:01 GMT -5
I was actually thinking about sticking with the alliteration while using the chessboard theme.
Post by Hermedy on Sept 7, 2003 15:07:07 GMT -5
It's okay.. you can keep the red people down but maybe someday you will learn that the Cherokee nation will return, will return, will return, will return,will return.. Yeah right.
Post by Hermedy on Sept 7, 2003 18:58:09 GMT -5
Gee, someone is in a sour mood today. Can't even sing along? It's a classic. I guess I should go delete that thread I started before you get really mad. (: Where is it?
Post by Fancy on Sept 14, 2003 17:49:00 GMT -5
Wich shipper are you? To those of you who don't know what a shipper is, its who do you tink is going to end up together. (I'm not good a explaining things). I'm a R/H shipper I sail on the H.M.S. Scapegoat. (Aberforth/Goat) Am also fond of S.S. Gin 'n Tonic (Tom/Ginny)
Post by Shaffuru! on Sept 14, 2003 17:52:49 GMT -5
I sail on the H.M.S. Scapegoat. (Aberforth/Goat) Am also fond of S.S. Gin 'n Tonic (Tom/Ginny) Whoa... beastality? I've never read that before. Never read GW/TR, either. But I like the names of the ships. Heheh. Scapegoat.
Post by Indistinguishable Blob on Sept 14, 2003 17:53:54 GMT -5
Hee hee...I read a Fic once where it was Albus and the goat instead...ha ha ha...uh...don't mind me...*stares off into space and laughs*
Post by Fancy on Sept 14, 2003 18:57:14 GMT -5
Whoa... beastality? I've never read that before. Never read GW/TR, either. But I like the names of the ships. Heheh. Scapegoat. It's disturbing, but canon.
Post by snidgety on Sept 15, 2003 19:24:15 GMT -5
MMM, Ginny/Tom. YUM.
Post by trish on Nov 19, 2003 23:27:31 GMT -5
Im for Harry and Hermione! (audience hisses and boos) And I'd have to say Sirius/Severus has its perks! I thought I was a freak for reading slash...and enjoying it!
Post by lemonysinlaw on Nov 25, 2003 8:10:12 GMT -5
Yeah, you are. jk...Anyway, R/H all the way. I didn't used to even read fanfics that have H/H. But now I'm a little more flexible. H/G and R/H are perfect. I also like Fred/Angelina, and if you go to www.astronomytower.org/cgi-bin/links/jump.cgi?ID=262 It's a perfect H/G and R/H but Fred's "girlfriend" is kind of disturbing.