Post by ineedyourhelp on Mar 22, 2004 21:42:58 GMT -5
The Weasley Twins! Because i can relate to the so much!
Post by Jacques the Environmentalist on Mar 23, 2004 20:52:02 GMT -5
A kneazle DEFINITELY sounds a lot like crookshanks, they are highly intelligent and usually able to point out dark wizards. They can interbreed with cats and can guide their owners home. They are also very loyal to their owners, and defensive against intruders.
Post by trish on Mar 23, 2004 22:33:04 GMT -5
If you guys are talking about what a poophead Percy was, Mrs. Waters says that he was such a poophead because he was under the imperious curse. Her reasons for thinking this are such: 1. Voldemort needs spies for the ministry to eavesdrop on cornelius. 2. She Reckons the one and only Wormtail is behind it because a. he was conspicuously absent throughout the whole book 5 b. Voldie said he had a job for wormtail at the end of book 4 (well, technically, he said he wouldn't kill him because he had more work for him to do but basically, it is the same thing, isn't it?) Anyway I believe it because I don't want to think that a Weasly could be that ghastly to their family.
Post by faramir1994 on Mar 24, 2004 19:05:58 GMT -5
Hagrid and Dumbledore are awesome.
Post by No One Mourns the Wicked on Mar 24, 2004 19:13:00 GMT -5
I don't really care for either of them.
Post by Jacques the Environmentalist on Mar 24, 2004 20:58:37 GMT -5
Sorry Hermione, but no. In an interview J so graciously provided in another thread, JK specifically says that sadly Percy was acting of his own accord. I had reason to believe the entire "row' and leaving home was staged, but I guess that's not likely either. I think Percy will apologize in book 6, the entire Ministry as good as did at the end of Book 5.
Post by No One Mourns the Wicked on Mar 24, 2004 22:52:47 GMT -5
I think he's going to die, and I'm going to laugh.
Post by Jacques the Environmentalist on Mar 25, 2004 21:04:05 GMT -5
I might have said this somewhere before, but I might have forgotten where I did so since I had a dentist appointment and that traumatizes me so Please forgive me... A theory is abound that the people Mrs. Weasley saw in the boggart episode in book 5, will actually die<sniffles> This means all of her children except Charlie and Ginny. It also means Harry and Arthur. So will Harry and Voldie finish eachother off? I hope so, Harry'd get to see all his beloved dead people and have his traumatic life end.
Post by No One Mourns the Wicked on Mar 25, 2004 22:29:42 GMT -5
Hahaha, I'm hoping along with you. But I DO NOT want Ron to die, I wuv him. When did Mrs. Wealey see the boggart? Sorry, I haven't read the book in months.
Post by Jacques the Environmentalist on Mar 28, 2004 21:21:49 GMT -5
Remember the boggart in the cabinet in the drawing room at Grimmauld Place? Mrs. Weasley took on the boggart during Ron and Hermione's prefect congrats party. It changed into bodies of her loved ones(children, husband, and Harry) and she lost control. Harry heard her came in, then Lupin solved it all.... WOW! Galadriel Waters' book is awesome! Although I highly disagree with a couple of her theories, she has a great ability to sniff out clues in existing books to better understand the series and predict events.
Post by No One Mourns the Wicked on Mar 28, 2004 22:45:26 GMT -5
Oooohhhh, now I remember. That's strange, if it's what you're afraid...wouldn't they have been dead or seomthing instead of perfetcly fine. It's like she's scared of them...
Post by trish on Mar 29, 2004 15:36:58 GMT -5
Well, even if Percy is acting of his own accord, he still might have staged the fight in order to do important work for the order (top secret!) And then the order would have somebody very close to the minister. Don't try to convince me otherwise this time, Jacques, I really don't want to believe that Percy is like that, do you blame me?
Post by Jacques the Environmentalist on Mar 29, 2004 21:46:03 GMT -5
I don't blame u. I was thinking the same thing myself, but.. Ginnyriddle, the people she saw were all dead, unmarked because avadakedavra leaves no marks.
Post by trish on Apr 2, 2004 23:21:15 GMT -5
If the Avada Kedavra curse leaves no marks, how come Harry has a scar? (another point brought up by Galadriel)
Post by Jacques the Environmentalist on Apr 4, 2004 20:18:02 GMT -5
Galadriel has taught me to ask ?s, so now I have about 50 more than I did before, and those running bits are awesome! The avada kedavra left a mark on Harry because it did not kill him, and the rebounding of that curse is bound to make some mark, it only doesn't make a mark if it works properly(our only frame of reference is Harry so there is no way of knowing for sure). Here's another question I have, in the cos movie when Lucius insisted on cursing Harry, didn't his incantation sound suspiciously like "avada!"? Could he have really killed Harry then and there?