The only thing preventing me from going all-out are my parents.
Swans, lemme respond to you...
Uhm, are you serious? Because maybe you do need therapy.
I do. I just don't want to go.
Why is this girl picking on you? Does she pick on anyone sitting in front of her?
Because I'm low on the social ladder and no, she doesn't.
Maybe you should ask your teacher to move-- say you can't see so you need to move closer, to another part of the room.
I've done that, now I want to do something different,
I don't know exactly what evil plans you could hatch but you don't have any friends, right?
Thank you, swans, I do not.
I just think if you seek revenge this girl and her friends will make your life worse-- and usually the actual bully doesn't get punished you do.
Deep inside, I want to get punished.
The only way she can make my life worse is if they attack my house.
But let's say you actually do want to do something evil you have to make it so she wouldn't suspect you. Like, what is this girl like?Would it be unreasonable to see something bad written about her on the bathroom wall?
I don't know her name.
I'd say damage her socially.
It would be quite damaging if a social swan got her commupance (sp?) from a social slug.
Make her think the entire school thinks she's a magikarp,
Most girls in my school are magikarps, and it's a good thing to be. The ones who aren't magikarps are the misfits and ones who are picked on. FUnny how society works, eh?
if she has a boyfriend make it seem like he's cheating on her.. or make it seem she is stealing her girlfriend's boyfriends (i.e. egg her house, and leave a message "stay away from my man, magikarpbagmonkey."
I'm in no power, I don't know her name let alone where she lives, etc...
That way when she has a mental breakdown she doesn't suspect the nerdy girl in front of her is responsible.
But I'd advise you not to be evil. Maybe you should stand up for yourself, or make friends with the people who sit around you?
That would be quite impossible.
That way next time she picks on you maybe your friends will stand up for you-- the girl will feel outnumbered, and then stop.
I've never been picked on but once this snobby new girl transferred to my school, and started to pick on me in 8th grade. It only happened once, and for twenty seconds-- the teacher handed out those big pixie sticks, and the girl thought it would be funny to poke me. I asked her to stop and she ignored me so I turned around, took my pixie stick and slapped her. She said something about meeting me "after" school so she could kick my ass. I said if she actually had the nerve to kick my ass she could just try and kick it now because otherwise she was just spewing crap. Then I took her pixie stick, threw it across the room and said to go fetch the stick you fugly "witch".
I'm usually not so mean but the girl had been a bully to several of my friends, and all of them were too scared to stand up so I think she needed a reality check. Plus what the smurf-- poking me with an oversized pixie stick? You're just asking to get slapped.
Do pixie sticks hurt? Well, I shoudln't be talking... I was hit with paper (11 times, mind you). Sticks and stones are better than paper...
But, uhm, I wouldn't take that approach unless you're fully aware you could possibly get your ass kicked. I think the fact that I was so forceful, I had friends standing up for me and that she was surprised that I would stand up to her..
that she backed down. Plus I went to a middle school where in a class of 300 there were only
about ten "non-white" people,
Oooh, I go to a school where in a class of 300 there are only ten white people.
and I'm half Spanish-- so I think she was scared that I was an actual "Latina", and I'd get my gang and kick her ass. bad I'm half Polish.