Post by Charles Vane on Mar 11, 2004 23:24:22 GMT -5
I figured I should probably post about my vacation.
My parents are planning on luring me into the car tomorrow with books and dvds and taking me to Arizona. I bought Family Guy and Lucky tonight plus Angels and Demons so the 21 hour trip should be ok. I'm going to be gone for I think a week, it's on Spring break so it shouldn't be too long. I snuck online in the mornings when every one else was asleep last year, so I'll probably do that again. My basic plan is to avoid my family and stay by the pool as much as possible, only sneaking inside to watch Days of Our Lives and possibly eat. I'll bring sandwhiches out to the pool and have a picnic. So yes, try not to miss me terribly while I'm gone, though I understand if you have to cry.
Oh and while you're in this thread, I'm going to add, my teeth are pretty! You can't really tell when you've got braces on but I got them off today. They're all nice,and un-metaled and white, well they're not super-bleached-glow-in-the-dark-bright-white but they're white and nice and yeah I'm just happy about it! But retainers suck. I just found out I can't say 'bastard' anymore. Well at least for a couple days. But still, no more stupid pokey braces!
Post by negativenine on Mar 11, 2004 23:40:43 GMT -5
Grr.... I sympathise with you about the retainers. But good thing about the braces! I got mine off in September and now my teeth are all purdy and straight!
*bursts into tears* I'LL MISS YOU, MAN! *hug*
Post by Charles Vane on Mar 11, 2004 23:47:56 GMT -5
Stay strong Neggie! *hugs* Thanks, my mom already told me I could switch to invisiline if I wanted since she hated having the normal retainer and didn't think I'd like it. Eh, I'll probably get used to it, it's going to be interesting to see if I can remember and not lose them.
Post by negativenine on Mar 11, 2004 23:49:05 GMT -5
Yeah... I only had to wear mine all day for 2 months... now I can just wear them while I sleep. And thanks... I might need a support group... don't think I can handle you not being here!
Post by Charles Vane on Mar 11, 2004 23:58:00 GMT -5
Lucky! I have to wear mine for four months first before I can wear them at nights. You should start a support group. Lots of people can't live without me, they go crazy. That might happen anyway but as least you'd have me to make you fairlysane again. So you need other friends, you can share your favorite Pandora stories and cry on each others shoulders. Oh Swans! That reminds me, you live in Texas, have you ever seen a kissing bug? How do you avoid them? I watched a biology video and now I'm completley paranoid.
Post by Charles Vane on Mar 12, 2004 0:04:13 GMT -5
Is that what they're called? In the video they were kissing bugs. The evil ones that attack while you're sleeping and pass an incurable diease that you would need a heart transplant for to live just a bit longer. Those bugs?
Post by Indistinguishable Blob on Mar 12, 2004 0:09:38 GMT -5
Oh dear, you're leaving? Well, I shall miss you...good luck with avoiding the parents, and have fun : )
But I'm absolutely rabid with jealousy...you have Family Guy DVD-ness? *wants* Family Guy is the best.
*waddles off to find support group*
Post by Charles Vane on Mar 12, 2004 0:16:52 GMT -5
Thanks Aurora, avoiding the parents has become my lifes work, I think I've gotten pretty good at it.
Heh isn't Family Guy great? I figure it'd be something to keep me and my cousin amused and calm. Wheee.
A support group is forming! WORSHIP ME! I mean.. greive over my absence.. I'll miss everyone so much..
Post by Charles Vane on Mar 12, 2004 0:25:09 GMT -5
I thought they killed lots of people.. or maybe not. But I'm super paranoid and biology videos are scary. I'll just avoid.. everything. My grandama keeps her place spotless so it should be ok. I just can't tell my friend Delores about my trip because she's bug phobic and she'll freak out and I'll go back to my paranoid state.
Post by Rikku on Mar 12, 2004 14:56:30 GMT -5
Bye Pandora!