Post by SnicketFires on Sept 4, 2004 19:02:29 GMT -5
Perhaps.... I've known this. I like the Fred and George theory. They probably haven't done well to honor the name, though Ah, but have they? They've: 1. Walked out of Hogwarts under the nose of the worst temporary Headmistress Hogwarts has ever seen, causing her to blow a gasket. 2. Started a joke shop 3. Not abandoned their family in time of need. 4. Joined the order. (Or rather, tried.) Perhaps the Weasley twins serve a greater purpse, besides comic releif. I'm now formutlating a theory. Fred and George, now that they've left school, join the Order. During one night of surveilence, or whatever the Order does, one or both are killed, but not before saving whatever they were doing or discouraging the attackers. Meh. Not a really good theory. But I think that the time has not yet come for the twins.
Post by Jacques the Environmentalist on Sept 4, 2004 20:02:36 GMT -5
Why would Voldemort be interested in murdering 18 year olds who run a joke shop? But I think the twins WERE named for fabain and gideon because: Voldemort was in power for 11 years. Fred and george are two years older than Harry. Harry was 15 months old when voldemort fell. That means fred and george were 3 1/2-4 when voldie bit the dust, that gives ample time for the death eaters to have killed the prewetts and have fred and george born and named for them (sorry if I bored u with me being so technical)
Post by SnicketFires on Sept 5, 2004 1:21:33 GMT -5
Why would Voldemort be interested in murdering 18 year olds who run a joke shop? But I think the twins WERE named for fabain and gideon because: Voldemort was in power for 11 years. Fred and george are two years older than Harry. Harry was 15 months old when voldemort fell. That means fred and george were 3 1/2-4 when voldie bit the dust, that gives ample time for the death eaters to have killed the prewetts and have fred and george born and named for them (sorry if I bored u with me being so technical) I was going to say, "how accurate."
Post by trish on Sept 5, 2004 16:17:50 GMT -5
Ah...Think Fred and George will die like heroes as well, or are they just named in honor of them?
Post by Jacques the Environmentalist on Sept 5, 2004 21:00:07 GMT -5
They were named after fabian and gideon I think, but I don't want them to die! They could probably use their fireworks to deafen the death eaters or confuse them. Or they could use puking pastilles and vomit on them. Headless hats may also come in handy.
Post by Dante on Sept 6, 2004 7:25:56 GMT -5
I wouldn't have thought that they're the sort of people who die.
Post by Jacques the Environmentalist on Sept 6, 2004 20:48:27 GMT -5
Me neither. LIVE gred and forge live!