Chapter 7
Alright, the lightning happened, which signified the comic book version of the norse got Thor appearing, he will be played here by Willis, who is the closest this forum has to an actual norse god, as sponsored by 667's
The Dark Games.
"Hey guys" he said, before grabbing his sister, Betsy, "sister, it's time we headed home, because you're being terrible with this people on the planet and that."
They jumped out of the helicopter thing and landed in a conveniantly unoccupied patch of forest.
But before he could properly chastise his sister, Kobolos jumped down and attacked him in his iron goblin suit.
They fought for a bit, which doesn't transfer to text that well, but trust me, it was impressive, especially when sixteen used his 'america' sheild to stop the fighting.
They all made their way to Tragedys Asouecarrier, where they chucked Betsy in a glass box.
BSam and Kobolos were messing around with science in the science room.
They were doing well with science, tracking down the missing admin power, but kobolos was a loose cannon, he kept trying to offer BSam a drink to see if it would set of the Incredible Hurk, but BSam was not responding, he just kept on doing science.
Kobolos was worried because he was all sneaky and found out that tragedy was using his admin power as a weapon, and this led into further fights between everyone about how to deal with Betsy, but she somehow influenced the whole group into fighting each other instead of focusing on the main threat, herself.
BSam had had enough, he started to grow angry and shouted at everyone to shut the freak up, and can we all just calm down and do some freaking science.
Just then Shelly ran back into the room, she had been interrogating Betsy and realised wer plan was to make everyone hate each other and destroy the group from within.
"If you want us to calm down, then I think you should put down lokis yard glass"
BSam looked at his hand, holding the full yardglass, knowing that alcohol was the thing that turns him into the Hurk. It had made its way into his hand by some unknown force. It could have been Betsys influence from afar, or it could have just been the fact that BSam was stressed and needed a drink, not caring about the consequences.
The Asouecarrier shook, knocking everyone about, this was because of an explosion caused by evil Dante.
Everyone was shaken about, not least of all BSam and Shelly who fell through a new hole in the floor, and then got trapped under rubble, just below where the yard glass fell.
Shelly tried to free herself to help the injured BSam, but she couldn't get out, and BSam wasn't moveing, he was lying there, mouth open, right under the fallen yard glass.
Shelly watched the beers drip from the yard glass and into his open mouth waiting below, and she feared the worse as she saw him grow big and angry.