Post by RonWeasley on Jan 22, 2003 22:14:06 GMT -5
hi I totally think snape is a vampire that is why quirrel was always wearing garlic and you know how ron always says things absent mindedly that end up coming true like tom riddle killing moaning myrtle for special services to hogwarts well ron says in gof that snape only could of gotten there first if he could turn into a bat you know when snape had them all write a essay on werewolves well right after that lupin had them write essays on vampires I think this was to get back at snape any way I think we will find out in book 6! that Snape is a vampire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and about snape going out in day light he could be half vampire or make a potion to help him go out and about hermione not realising he is a vampire snape probably hides it better than lupin any way that is what I think
Post by pennyroyal on Jan 22, 2003 22:37:10 GMT -5
ehh... no comment.
Post by Shaffuru! on Jan 23, 2003 7:56:12 GMT -5
I don't think Sev is a vampire. Have you forgotten that Quirrel was evil? He was trying to turn the students against Sev (not that he needed to). Besides, I can think of any time in particular, but someone must have seen his reflection somewhere... Talk about pointless posts, Chris! You're setting a bad example!
Post by RonWeasley on Jan 23, 2003 13:20:00 GMT -5
I am not saying snape is evil I just think he is a vampire
Post by Shaffuru! on Jan 23, 2003 17:48:44 GMT -5
I know you're not saying Sev is evil. you're saying you think/know he's a vampire and I'm disagreeing.
Post by Luna on Jan 25, 2003 20:22:34 GMT -5
i think he just wants to make you mad laura!
Post by RonWeasley on Jan 25, 2003 20:25:16 GMT -5
that is not true I do not want to make her mad it was just a theorie no reason to start accusations
Post by Luna on Jan 25, 2003 20:25:47 GMT -5
Post by Shaffuru! on Jan 25, 2003 20:59:20 GMT -5
I can see why you'd make the assumption that Sev is a vampire, but I don't think he is.
Post by Misery on Jan 26, 2003 17:03:03 GMT -5
It would be creepy if he was. *shudders*
Post by Shaffuru! on Jan 26, 2003 18:49:17 GMT -5
*ponders* I suppose it would.'
He could bite my neck if he wants. ;D
If he was a vampire. And I doubt it.
Post by Diamonds on Jan 26, 2003 19:34:48 GMT -5
I don't think he is a vampire....
Post by RonWeasley on Jan 27, 2003 20:12:38 GMT -5
Post by Luna on Jan 28, 2003 16:48:29 GMT -5
because then he wouldnt be working at hogwarts
Post by RonWeasley on Jan 28, 2003 19:21:22 GMT -5
well lupin is a werewolf and he worked at hogwarts and parents do not know he is and he hides it better is what I think